Law is an essential ingredient of any civilised society. It punishes the guilty and protects the
innocent and thus ensures social security and public peace. Absence of law means chaos and
confusion, death and destruction. Progress in any field is possible only when the rule of law
prevails. An artist can create art, a poet can write poetry, a musician can compose tunes and a
farmer can grow food only in the atmosphere of peace. Most of the poeple who are exploited in the
society are those who have no knowledge of law. Law settles disputes and brings about rapproachement
betweeb warring parties. There are laws and laws, some laws are hard and fast and have to be applied
strictly while there are other laws which can be applied or winked at according as our commonsense
dictates us. Sometimes law-makers become law-breakers. In orer to keep themselves firmly saddled in
the seat of power, they effect drastic changes in law to suit their needs. The study of law becomes
imperative for those who want to know about the various aspects of law. It makes a man rational
being and also enables him to test controversial events on the touchstone of law, before reaching at
an inviolable conclusion. K.C.L Institute of Laws provides an opportunity to those, who are
interested in the study of law and then adopt a judicial profession.